Digital Life-Line: We Love Manchester Emergency Fund

Supporting people across Manchester with digital connectivity and bespoke online training.
Initial beneficiary consultation (9 members from North/ Central/ South Manchester) showed:
- 45% do not have access to the internet.
- 55% (5 members) have no ICT hardware or software.
We also recognised the ICT kit would have a positive impact on any of our members that have families, as children/young people would be able to access online learning, keep in contact with loved ones and access fun activities to help manage their mental health as well.

“I can’t thank you enough, it’s opened a whole new world for me. I’m keeping myself occupied watching Netflix and taking pictures of my local countryside on the tablet.”
One member has been furloughed so the digital kit has helped him not only stay connected, but he has also been using this to keep busy and keep boredom at bay watching Netflix!

To see the full impact of We Love MCR’s £1million Covid-19 Community Response Fund click here to read the first 6 months impact report.
We believe
Every person should have an opportunity to overcome barriers and achieve his / her fullest potential and contribute fully to their community.
Project Showcase
Digital Life-Line: Community Fund
Distributing digital communication to people directly and via NGO’s who have no access to online facilities and are at significant risk of mental health issues and re-offending. We will also support connectivity through further training and support.

Support us

With your help, we can support more people to get back on their feet and into work. Your donation will fund Antz Junction work and make a big difference.