Over the years volunteers have played a massive role in the work done by Antz Junction.

Programme Headlines
- Over 5000 hours volunteered since 2016
- 100% of volunteers reported improved social interaction skills
- On average people have volunteered at least 9 weeks with Antz Junction

“It is helping me in a big way as I feel the support which I am getting is crucial for my way ahead – SO IT IS VERY SUCCESSFUL!”
Antz Junction Volunteer,
February 2016
“Volunteering has filled a gap in my CV & gets me back in a routine.”
Antz Junction Volunteer

“Volunteering has given me work experience & built up my confidence.”
Antz Junction Volunteer

“Volunteering has given me the experience I otherwise wouldn’t have had.”
Antz Junction Volunteer
“I have lost most of the fear I had being competent in a working environment.”
Antz Junction Volunteer
Volunteer roles have included:
- Building caretaker (maintenance, painter, decorator)
- Building reception
- Office/project support
- Cafe assistant
- Minibus driver
- Community Leader
- Business buddies/mentors
- Cleaners
- IT support
- Mentor
- Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS FT Needle Exchange – order picker/packer and deliveries

We believe
Every person should have an opportunity to overcome barriers and achieve his / her fullest potential and contribute fully to their community.
Project Showcase
Digital Life-Line: Community Fund
Distributing digital communication to people directly and via NGO’s who have no access to online facilities and are at significant risk of mental health issues and re-offending. We will also support connectivity through further training and support.

Support us

With your help, we can support more people to get back on their feet and into work. Your donation will fund Antz Junction work and make a big difference.